Build Capability

Enable people with infrastructure

Maturity Assessment

Capable infrastructures that supports people in their work is as important for business improvement as it is for any other function in company. With a holistic view on business improvement, elements like method, process, tools, metrics, and governance are evaluated and improved in order to establish an effective, efficient and sustainable way to solve problems and leverage opportunities.

We evaluate current improvement capability and maturity with the BIMAT tool, which contains a set of questions and criteria for each of the eight main elements of an improvement system. The use of a validated method and tool results in an objective assessment that are graded in four maturity levels.

Level 1 , Initial level, is characterized by none or limited use of improvement methods, tools and supporting structures.

Level 2, Intermediate level, increased usage of supporting structures but often fragmented and method-driven.

Level 3, Integrated level, is characterized by a need-driven, integrated and adaptable improvement system.

Level 4, Optimized level, is distinguished by an improvement system that is continuously improved and optimized.

AIIM Operating System

The adaptable and integrated improvement model (AIIM) is built with robust components from Lean, Agile, Six Sigma, BPM, Change Management and other proven knowledge areas. It is an improvement system on level 3, integrated maturity level that can either be implemented as a complete operating system, or be used as an reference model to build up capable improvement infrastructures. AIIM is a quick and cost-efficient solution to give people access to best practices and support to handle a wide range of initiatives, from urgent problem solving and continuous improvement to implementing Lean, optimizing process performance, and driving strategic change projects. The AIIM model is scalable making it adaptable to the organization´s maturity levels, improvement needs and change pace.