Create Commitment
Engage people to lead change
Leadership Support
We prepare leaders on all levels to take on a leadership roles and lead effective, efficient and sustainable business improvement. Our modular training program prepares people for the four common improvement roles:
Champion: often a senior business leader with strategic outlook
Sponsor: typically a functional manager with tactical outlook
Lead: the operational leader of the improvement initiative
Coach: senior improvement leader often managing the program.
Each role is described and discussed in interactive courses to provide clear guidelines on main objectives and deliverables for the role, responsibilities and key work-activities, specific tools and methods the role will use, do and don´t insights etc.

Improvement Cycle
Success creates commitment, and commitment creates success. It is a cycle that can be initiated at any level in the organization but needs to be managed well in order to survive and thrive. We use a eight-step cycle based on the PDCA loop to support the improvement work and enable the improvement leaders to succeed with their initiatives. When success is shared to the organization so that people can see that the investment in time, money, effort, creativity and other scarce resources paid off, old “investors” will continue to invest and new will follow suit in order to get a piece of the cake.