
Scheduled Courses

We provide training in business improvement, delivered both in face-to-face trainings and online via Zoom. Read more about our courses below. Register for a training from the list of scheduled courses. Note that we provide courses both in spoken English and Swedish, but the training material is always written in English. Once you have registered we will come back with detailed information about the course including payment details (terms and conditions).

  • 001, 03.12.2021, TC01 Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement, online in Swedish register
  • 002, 12.12.2021, TC02 Improve Performance to New Levels, online in Swedish register
  • 003, 14.02.2022, TC05 Make Process Effective and Deliver Quality, online in Swedish register
  • 004, 10.03.2022, TC06 Make Process Efficient and Deliver on Time, online in English register

Course Catalogue

Learn effective problem solving and root cause analysis in order to bring back performance to normal and expected levels. Tools and practices from Lean, Six Sigma, A3 Problem Solving, RCA and other knowledge areas are applied to solving problems by eliminating root causes and finding solutions. A proven and robust five-step model guides the participant through the problem solving improvement work, and provides also a solid platform to build a culture of continuous improvement. The training corresponds to a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and is applicable for both manufacturing processes and transactional (office) processes. The course prepares the participant to lead focused initiatives within a function to solve problems, eliminate root causes and improve performance in small steps.

Learning Goals:
 Define problems and opportunities as performance gaps
 Analyze causes, constraints and challenges of a problem
 Develop solutions that address causes and close performance gaps
 Implement solutions according to a plan
 Sustain the improvement by appropriate controls

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: None
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to lead larger and more complex improvement initiatives that take key performances to a new level. Tools and practices from Lean, Six Sigma, Agile, Change Management and other knowledge areas are applied to drive functional and cross-functional performance improvement. The course teaches how to practically succeed with improvement projects by managing the technical dimension of change, as well as the people and leadership dimension. A proven and robust five-step model guides the participant through the improvement work, and provides also a solid platform to build or establishing a culture of continuous improvement. The course forms together with TC05 and TC06 a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training. The training prepares the participant to lead medium-sized and cross-functional performance improvement projects.

Learning Goals:
 Define critical performance gaps, requirements and key stakeholders
 Analyze root causes, visualize current state and validate with data
 Develop solutions that address challenges and close performance gaps
 Implement solutions and influence people to buy-in to the new way of working
 Sustain gains with appropriate controls and management practices

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01
Length: 3 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to further improve and optimize stable processes to yet higher levels of performance and control. Tools and practices from Six Sigma, SPC, data analysis and other knowledge areas are applied to drive the analysis and resolution of complex problems. The course uses the Minitab software to practically apply and benefit from fundamental but yet powerful statistical techniques and methods like graphing, sampling, regression, hypothesis testing, process capability studies, and control charts. A proven and robust five-step model guides the participant through the optimization work, and provides also a solid platform for establishing a culture of continuous improvement. The course form together with TC04, TC07 and TC09 a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Black Belt education. The training prepares the participant to apply a data-driven and analytical approach to solve complex problems and optimize process performance.

Learning Goals:
 Define critical variables and current process capability
 Analyze performance data and correlations between variables to find root causes
 Develop hypothesis and test them to find optimal solutions
 Implement solutions and a reliable performance measurement system
 Sustain gains by appropriate process controls and management practices

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01 and TC02
Length: 3 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to design, develop and deploy new processes and services with the objective to take a leap in improving performance and satisfying new customer requirements. Tools and practices from Design for Six Sigma, Agile, Design Thinking, and other knowledge areas are applied with a robust and proven five-step model, which also provides a solid platform for establishing a culture of continuous improvement. The course teaches how to capture customer´s needs and translate them into requirements that drive creative solutions for better ways of working and services. The course forms together with TC03, TC07 and TC09 a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Black Belt education. The training prepares the participant to lead a team in developing new processes and services within one or across several business functions.

Learning Goals
 Define customers and identify their critical needs, wants and expectations
 Analyze current processes, services, challenges, and constraints
 Develop solutions, new ways of working and new services
 Implement new processes, services and supporting work structures
 Sustain gains by active user support, performance monitoring and fine-tuning

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01 and TC02
Length: 3 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to develop the organization´s capability to deliver outputs of high quality that fulfill the customer´s requirements by implementing proven solutions and best practices. Tools and practices from Lean, Six Sigma, Business Process Management, and other knowledge areas are applied to map current ways of working, defining the customer and what quality is for them, and developing more effective ways of working and managing performance. The course lays the foundation for achieving a higher level of process and system capability in the organization, by implementing practices and solutions that worked well for many other companies, with a robust and proven five-step model. Together with TC02 and TC06, the course forms a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training, which prepares the participant to develop the capability to deliver high quality.

Learning Goals
 Define process, outputs, customers and quality requirements
 Analyze current process, constraints, challenges and change readiness
 Develop an effective work system based on standard solutions and best practices
 Implement new ways of working and managing an effective process
 Sustain gains by supporting new behaviors and monitoring performance

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to further develop operational capability by making already effective processes and work systems also efficient in their utilization of the organization´s limited resources. Fundamental Lean tools, practices and standard solutions are applied to improve process efficiency, using a robust and proven five-step model. The course walks through how to create flow by reducing waste and non-value adding activities, thereby increasing customer value while reducing lead-time and cost. Together with TC02 and TC05, the course forms a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training including tools and practices like continuous flow, 7 wastes, 5S, standardization of work, value-stream mapping, visual management, go-see, mistake proofing etc. The training prepares the participant to lead the implementation of Lean practices to increase process efficiency within a function.

Learning Goals
 Define process, stakeholders and efficiency requirements
 Analyze current process flow, lead-times, sources of waste and change readiness
 Develop new process based on Lean solutions and best practices
 Implement new ways of working and managing an efficient process
 Sustain gains by supporting new behaviors and monitoring performance

Methodology: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01 and TC05
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to further implement best practices to develop operational capability and making effective and efficient processes also responsive to changes in customer demands. The more advanced Lean concept and practices of Pull
and Just-In-Time are applied with a robust and proven five-step model, to improve process responsiveness and produce on actual demand and not forecast. The course examines the advantages and disadvantages with a pull-based system. Covered are Lean solutions and practices that enable a demand-driven workflow such as Kanban, Quick Changeover, Production Levelling, Takt Time, and Cellular Manufacturing. The course form together with TC03, TC04 and TC09 a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Black Belt education. The training prepares the participant to develop capability by implementing Lean practices that make the process more responsive to customer demands.

Learning Goals
 Define process, value-stream, and outputs
 Analyze as-is process and customer demands in volume and product range
 Develop new process with Lean solutions and practices for Pull and Just-In-Time
 Implement new ways of working and managing a demand-driven process
 Sustain gains by supporting new behaviors and monitoring performance

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01 and TC06
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to develop operational capability for dynamic and complex processes where standardization of one best way of working is not possible or suitable. Tools and practices from contemporary thinking around team work e.g. Hackman´s Five Factor Model, Cynefin dynamic problem solving, Agile, Scrum and iterative delivery are examined and applied. The course uses a robust and proven five-step model to develop processes that an effective team can combine, trigger and execute to handle changing requirements and circumstances. Covered is also how to create the conditions necessary for teams to be effective, meaning working well together socially, deliver results of high standards and satisfy individual team member´s needs and wants. The training prepares the participant to develop operational capability by developing teams that are effective also in dynamic environments.

Learning Goals
 Define team, process, work scope, outputs and requirements
 Analyze as-is process, team effectiveness, complexity and stability
 Develop conditions for effective team work, and effective and efficient processes
 Implement new ways of working and managing teams and processes
 Sustain gains by supporting new behaviors and monitoring performance

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01 and TC05
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn to coach improvement leaders and teams, and manage the daily operations of a business improvement program. The adaptable and integrated improvement model (AIIM) is used in the training as a reference system to review and walkthrough main objectives, key activities and the most important deliverables that the role of the improvement coach typically is responsible for. The course follows the life-cycle of an improvement project and reviews how the coach contributes to success through activities such as deliver training, coach and support improvement teams, select application, tools and practices, review deliverables and progress, and support the improvement initiative hands-on. The course forms together with TC03, TC04 and TC07 a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training. The participants are prepared to provide operational leadership and take on the coach role in an improvement program.

Learning Goals:
 Good practices and principles for efficient learning and training
 On-the-job coaching of improvement teams
 Facilitation of workshops and project activities
 Development of competence and commitment
 Support and manage the business improvement system

Method: the adaptable and integrated improvement model (AIIM)
Prerequisites: TC01
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn the main steps in setting-up, deploying and leading a business improvement programs and projects. The adaptable and integrated improvement model (AIIM) is used in the training as a reference model for learning how senior leaders and functional managers best can contribute to the organization´s improvement effort. The course teaches how to establish a vision for the organization´s improvement work, select a sound strategy, plan and establish a roadmap, evaluate and develop improvement capability, identify and plan opportunities, review and report progress etc. The training prepares the participant to take on the role as the champion of the program, and the role as the sponsor of improvement projects.

Learning Goals
 The Champion and Sponsor roles in business improvement
 Identify and evaluate business improvement opportunities
 Establish accurate awareness of the situation
 Plan and set-up improvement initiatives for success
 Review progress and support improvement teams
 Manage results and communication

Method: Adaptable and Integrated Improvement Model (AIIM)
Prerequisites: TC01
Length: 2 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Based on the TC03 foundation course, further learn and practice how to apply statistical tools and techniques to optimize process performance and resolve complex problems. A robust and proven five-step model is used to apply a data-driven approach to measure process performance, evaluate the measurement system, analyze cause-and-effect relationships, optimize and control process performance, etc. Although the course introduces addition tools and techniques to what was covered in TC03, the focus of the course is mainly on the application of fundamental statistical methods in common situations rather than. The Minitab software is used in the training to learn the theory and to practice on real-life examples. The training prepares the participant to more confidently apply a data-driven and analytical approach to solve complex problems and optimize process performance.

Learning Goals
 Sampling of process performance data
 Evaluate confidence interval
 Carry out a measurement system analysis
 Correlation and Regression
 Hypothesis testing
 Analysis of variation (ANNOVA)

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC03
Length: 3 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only

Learn how to manage the people dimension of change in order to achieve effective and sustainable business improvement. The course combines elements from Kotter, Connor, PCI, Situational Leadership, and other recognized frameworks, which are put to practice via a five step improvement model. The participant learn how to apply change tools, methods, and practices to create a shared change purpose, assess change readiness, establish key change roles, communicate and engage effectively with people, develop local sponsorship, build commitment, handle resistance, influence behavior and culture, etc. The adaptation of leadership style in the different phases of change and in typical change scenarios are also covered. The training prepares the participant to manage the people side when leading business improvement workshops, projects and programs.

Learning Goals
 Understand the nature of change and leadership
 Apply change methods, tools and practices
 Assess change readiness
 Establish the case for change
 Handling positive and negative resistance
 Develop sponsorship and commitment
 Effective communication and engagement
 Adapting leadership style to the situation

Method: Robust and flexible five-step method based on Lean and Six Sigma
Prerequisites: TC01 and TC02
Length: 3 days
Language: English or Swedish, training material in English only